September 14, 2019

Potato Head, Bali…the place to see and be seen

Bali has long been famous as a playground for both the rich and the not-so-rich, easily providing both villas and backpacker hostels so that visitors can enjoy its white sandy beaches and turquoise waters whatever their budget.

Seminyak is by no means the most picturesque part of Bali, but if you’re looking for a place with plenty of bustle, Potato Head should do the trick. It is a big draw for Pretty Young Things who want to party.

Nothing says you’re in Bali quite like having a pizza and drinking a mojito in Potato Head. This is the true truth as I say it as it is…

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May 5, 2019

Snow activity Land, Rusutsu, Hokkaido…hits and misses

So what if temperatures are plummeting? Your excitement level life is heating up with exciting things to do in the powdery snow of Rusutsu. Rusutsu in the snow is a spectacular sight and whether you prefer to take to the slopes on skis or simply mosey on through the snow-dusted fields, there’s usually something for everyone to enjoy.

Snow Activity Land is a one-stop shop for dog-sledding, snowmobile tours, etc. The most disappointing activity was the dog-sledding. I don’t know if I have ever been more personally disappointed by any activity at Rusutsu than I was with Snow Activity Land’s dog-sledding. It wasn’t as long as I thought it would be. For a one hour activity as advertised for JPY3,780, the ride was over in 30 seconds. It’s a total rip-off, not worth the money. On the other end of the scale the snowmobile Adventure Course is worth every dollar. Conquering the snowy terrain as you zoom along on a snowmobile is the best way to enjoy a wintry landscape. If you’re a thrill seeker, you can zip up and down through the woods; if you prefer something more relaxed, you can opt for a scenic tour of the well-groomed trails. Nabin Tamang (email:, our guide the best there can be, bringing with him hot coffee for a pit stop on the powdery snow.

Hit and misses with Snow Activity Land. This is the true truth as I say it as it is…

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November 24, 2012

Toucheng Leisure Farm, Toucheng…..Go here for your kid’s fun education and not anything else

Toucheng Leisure Farm in Toucheng, Yilan County, northeastern Taiwan, is geared towards educational holidays. It allows visitors a glimpse of how people used to live in the olden days. I really like the idea of this place and the angle that they are bringing. The experience is relaxing (bordering on boring).

I’m kind of torn. The reason I am torn is because the concept is fun and I had an ok time with activities…making and setting off sky lanterns, learning to mud bake sweet potatoes, fishing, traditional food and light snacks and meals throughout the day…kind of like a Club med, but the food and service aren’t the best. I think that if they step their service up (and at least try to look interested) and try new recipes then they may really have something going here.

The other downside is the old, blah and basic bedroom….somewhat akin to the Low Cost carrier version of a hotel room. The bed was a rock hard place. Now I know what Fred Flinstone’s bedrock was all about. There was no wifi in the room, no power plug-points either – only two. One for the TV and the other in the bathroom.

Go here for your kid’s fun education and not anything else. This is the true truthas I say it as it is…


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