May 8, 2020

F1, Singapore…theme park for grown-ups who love to drive

Filed under: Activities, F1, Singapore — Tags: , , , , — PEr @ 11:03 am

For those who want to enjoy the Singapore Grand Prix in style, the Paddock Club is the play to be and to be seen.

You’d think the Grand Prix is about fast cars, heat and a lot of noise, but for those with deep pockets it can be the most exclusive and indulgent experience. The one area to which is the most exclusive of all: the team pit lanes, where the drivers and staff work over a race weekend. Perfect shots for Instagram stories.

Someone told me it’s like a theme park for grown-ups who love to drive. In this case, I have to agree. This is the true truth as I say it as it is…

f1 sin5

f1 sin6

f1 sin4

f1 sin2

f1, sin1

f1 sin3

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